Monday, December 31, 2012


Untitled, originally uploaded by Phil Haygarth.

A note about my new thing: woodcutting. I got a beautiful Swedish Log splitting axe for Christmas, plus a terrific book, and over the holidays Matt and I have gained much satisfaction from the pleasing 'thud' of a split tree-stump. Very satisfying - especially when the result is a roaring wood fire.

Boxing Day Walk

Untitled, originally uploaded by Phil Haygarth.

On Boxing day we were joined by Christine, Rory and Issy and walked to Hutton Roof. Great to get out in the woods and amongst the limestone.

A Merry Christmas Day

Untitled, originally uploaded by Phil Haygarth.

This year's Christmas day was special because we were in our own house with our new wood-burner; lovely. Gran and Grandma stayed and we also had Kathleen, Mum's friend, to join us for dinner. The children got up at a reasonable hour and we managed a brief trip to the pub before returning for dinner, cooked by Anne and I on the new range. Later in the day there was a bit of sleeping. Lurvely.

Ingleborough summit, Christmas Eve 2012

Untitled, originally uploaded by Phil Haygarth.

For the fourth year in succession the Wagtail Villagers ascended the great hill, followed by a swifty in the Marton Arms. Mild but merky weather made it an effortless walk this time. This year we had a record, with 22 on the summit. From the Haygarth side, it was a male only representation (plus Polly of course, who was decidelyl better behaved than last year!).

The Little Drummer Boy

Untitled, originally uploaded by Phil Haygarth.

Lately Angus has been upping his game with the drums, for example being invited to join the local youth band, plus playing gigs in the church carol service. He was very chuffed, not to mention the attention of all the girls, which he handled admirably! Here he is pictured outside Booths supermarket in Kirkby Lonsdale on a blustery cold day before Christmas.

Helen's Christmas poem

Untitled, originally uploaded by Phil Haygarth.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Farewell LRGS....

Untitled, originally uploaded by Phil Haygarth.

At the end of this term Matt said farewell to LRGS, and will start at QES Kirkby Lonsdale next term. Whilst he was happy with the school and doing well, the complexities of the travelling strongly influenced the decision for he move - and the distance from all his friends. Whist he is looking forward to the new life, it was nonetheless a sad day to say goodbye to his mates. Times of change....

Neighbours in for Christmas

Untitled, originally uploaded by Phil Haygarth.

Just before Christmas we invited the neighbours around for a drink, nice time getting to know folk......

Christmas fair

, originally uploaded by Phil Haygarth.

Angus and Helen had some fund just before Christmas at the Kirkby Lonsdale fair. Here they are pictured on the big wheel with Helen's friend Mia....